Avoiding Burnout in Residency and in Ministry

It’s that time of year again! In ministry, the holidays can result in weariness with busy schedules and juggling expectations at home, yet, it’s the prime time in which people in the community often explore the Church and who Jesus is. How can we best serve others and help them meet Jesus if we, ourselves, are running on empty? The reality is, we can’t!

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5 Actions That Will Drive Continual Growth with Young Leaders

Brittany Crimmel is a 20-something Production Manager at Saddleback Church’s Lake Forest Campus in southern CA. As an impressive as that might be, it’s really her passion to grow, helping others meet Jesus all along the way that is inspiring, especially as you take a closer look into the path that got her where she is today and what the future might hold 5 or 10 years from now.

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coachingDave Miller
Coaching the Coaches

We do this because the success that your organization will have in leadership development will only be as strong as the leaders you have who are doing the coaching and the one-on-one meetings.

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why, howDave Miller
6 Marks of a Teaching Church

A commitment to being this type of church is at the core of all we do. Perhaps you could evaluate your church or organization through these six criteria that have now become values that we try to live in to with our partner churches.

How would you rate your church in owning these six values:

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residency, whatDave Miller