Posts in residency
6 Marks of a Teaching Church

A commitment to being this type of church is at the core of all we do. Perhaps you could evaluate your church or organization through these six criteria that have now become values that we try to live in to with our partner churches.

How would you rate your church in owning these six values:

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residency, whatDave Miller
The Third Rail and Frame

We led a series of round table discussion with dozens of church leaders with over 800 years of combined leadership experience in small and large churches in a variety of settings. We asked two questions: a.) what are you looking for in your next hire? and b.) why didn’t that last hire work out like you thought it was going to?

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The Deep End

I think a lot of pastors were thrown in the deep end of the pool during their early years in full-time ministry. I get it, ministry is hard when you get started. You have to learn how to swim while getting some water up your nose. I think that kind of development has surely produced some grit in this generation of church leaders, but I think it’s also produced a false assumption that young leaders should be taught the same way.

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residency, coachingDave Miller
Three Secrets of an Lp Residency

“What’s the secret of a Leadership Pathway Residency?”

Our team gets this question often. I normally think that those asking are hoping we’ve landed on something magical…a silver bullet of growing a future leader.

Someone recently texted me after listening to a podcast “thanks for the open-platform learning you are providing for us out here.” I thought “cool, there’s a platform? and it’s open?” Yes!

So in an effort …

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what, residencyDave Miller
The Third Rail and Frame

We led a series of round table discussion with dozens of church leaders with over 800 years of combined leadership experience in small and large churches in a variety of settings. We asked two questions: a.) what are you looking for in your next hire? and b.) why didn’t that last hire work out like you thought it was going to?

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what, residencyDave Miller
Six Qualities of a Teaching Church

A commitment to being this type of church is at the core of all we do. Perhaps you could evaluate your church or organization through these six criteria that have now become values that we try to live in to with our partner churches.

How would you rate your church in owning these six values:

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residency, whatDave Miller
What & How by Sean Badeer

It’s going to take a new kind of leader to lead in the local church. And we need them now more than ever before. You don’t have to look intently to notice that our world is changing. As issues continue to get more complicated and divisive, church leaders are faced with new questions and challenges that need to be answered by a new generation.

This is what drives our passion for creating church leaders at Leadership Pathway. What we do is fueled by a passion to see a new generation of leaders prepared for ministry through the local church.

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Values of a Teaching Church

We are always trying to find ways to succinctly say what we care deeply about. We hold six shared values with the churches which we partner with: Coaching, Obligation, Endgame, Filling the Gaps, Best Practices, and Leadership Development.

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residencyDave Miller
HR +Lp = TD 

“For the better part of the past decade, it seems like every church I’m in I get asked who do you know that would want to join our team?” begins Matt McKay, Founder of House Right Productions (HR). “Rather than ignore it or be complicit to the problem, I’ve been considering for some time how we at House Right might help even if only in a small way.”

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residencyDave Miller