Four Reminders for Young Boomers & Gen Xers

by Dave Miller

Every time you start to utter the phrase…this younger generation iis just so ______ It's good to remember...

1. You were a younger generation once. Aren't you glad your actions from age 15 to 25 aren't on the internet recorded forever and always? You wouldn't be where you are today and I definitely would not be writing this blog post if it were. 

2. This is on us...we not only raised them but crted the problems that they will fix!
I do believe they'll fix them.

3. They are the key to your future. I don't care what business sector you are in...if you do not embrace young twenty-somethings as the solutions to your problems that you believe you are tackling you will be obsolete and this will happen faster than ever as we move forward.

4. Someone helped you. Even if you went to the school of hard knocks (which has a terrible retention and graduation rate, btw) someone helped you along the way. No one is self-made.

So let's change the narrative.
My challenge is next time someone on your team begins a rant about a 22-year-old stop them and help them change the sentence.

"This younger generation is just so..."

coachingDave Miller