Parker Everett : My Leadership Pathway

Pursuing ministry actually began for me when I was in elementary school. My Worship Pastor saw something in me that I didn’t even see in myself and decided to take me under his wing, training me in leadership and in my walk with Jesus. I’ve been serving in churches for as long as I can remember, beginning with my home church during middle school and interning at a few churches during college. Today, I serve as a Worship Resident at Rocky Church, just north of Denver, CO.

Residency was a clear choice for me to fully experience leadership growth in a safe space to do so. Leadership Pathway’s process made it super easy.

I’ve found ministry to be just as effective, if not more, off stage as it is on stage. The more and more people I’ve met and gotten to pour into, the more deeply I’ve understood what ministry is really all about.

Ministry isn’t easy, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t worth it. It’s hard because working with people is hard. We live in a time where everything is polarized, but we serve a God who can break down walls for all people, and if we trust and lean on that, the difficulty never becomes an impossibility.

Are you looking for well-equipped church leaders? Equip them. It’s worth the effort!

When I began in residency, I thought getting stuff done was the most important thing, but now I know that people are by far the most important part of the mission. In the months ahead, I’m hoping to gain a further sense of confidence in my leadership and discipleship skills.

Something I’ve learned as a resident (and would encourage those considering becoming one) is that it’s critical to not be afraid to fail. Instead, fail forward. Use every experience as a learning opportunity that will further equip you to do what God has called you to do. And don’t forget to have fun, too!

I’m Parker Everett, and this is my leadership pathway.

StoriesDave Miller