Miranda Reynolds: My Leadership Pathway

I’ve been moving toward leadership and ministry, in particular, since I was young.

Residency at Rocky Mountain Christian Church in CO has been a lot of fun with a healthy dose of difficulty to keep me humble. One area I’ve been especially focused on as a Worship Resident is learning to play guitar. My supervisor continues to gently nudge me to try new things, while ensuring that I’m all right spiritually and emotionally. 

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The growth in confidence for me has been huge! Residency has provided me the courage to pursue ministry rather than continue only as a volunteer; plus, learning leadership soft skills has been much more valuable to me than any time I spent in a classroom while enrolled at a Christian college.

If you’re thinking ministry, I’d say, ‘Volunteer as much as possible and ask a ton of questions.’ Residency is the opportunity to learn AND fail in a safe place. Failure is to be expected to a certain degree, since we tend to learn from our mistakes. Be willing to fail and learn from it!

I’m Miranda Reynolds, and this is my leadership pathway.

StoriesDave Miller