Juan Salas : My Leadership Pathway

Juan Salas is a Student Ministry Resident at Connections Christian Church in Johnstown, CO. Prior to applying to Leadership Pathway for the opportunity at Connections, I had served on staff at a church in Kentucky as the Student Ministry Associate. There, I was able to help run programs for both High School and Middle School ministries.

I chose to pursue Student Ministry because of the impact it had on my life growing up. My intent in working with the staff at Connections was to be in a place where I could grow and learn through a dedicated student ministry position.

I’m definitely moving forward in my learning and leadership. Being in this position doesn’t feel impossible but is definitely more challenging than I had first imagined.A big benefit has been seeing how another church operates.

Something Juan’s leaders ravingly share about him is how impressed they’ve been with his initiative plugging into a new part of the country and adapting to a different cultural dynamic. He’s recognized the opportunity to get to know a number of new people in the community by plunging into several local disc golf and pickle ball leagues. He’s been an example to others in this.

I’m having lots of fun with the youth, hanging with them on nights we have scheduled programming, as well as being a part of different school events. I have to admit that balancing people and programming can be difficult at times. It’s essential to make sure a program runs smoothly while also making sure people are well taken care of.

I’m Juan Salas, and this is my leadership pathway.

StoriesDave Miller