The Framework for Leadership Development

From the earliest days of Leadership Pathway we have talked about Education, Soft Skill Development and Spiritual Formation are the three rails that all leaders need.

But the pieces of the frame that holds this picture together of Mental Wellness, Developmental Conversations, Ownership and Best Practices, are just as important.

What do we mean?

Developmental Conversations. Soft Skills are developed through observation and talking. Learning HOW to have a developmental conversation is the point of all of our coaching. We coach the coaches in how to do this.

Ownership. This is found in the cliche we use alot “this is on us.” The resident has to own it, the boss/coach has to own it, and we own our share as well. This is not about co-dependence, by many times is about the final 10% of seeing it through.

Best Practices. These are displayed in the type of environment we want future leaders learning in. While an organization does NOT have to be cutting edge, we do want the context to be as current as possible.

Mental Wellness. We desire churches we work with to be pro-mental health and to have a plan when mental health breaks down.

These four pieces of the framework come together to keep the three rails in tact. What are we missing? What might you add?

Dave Miller