Cameron Jones : My Leadership Pathway

Some Q & A with Cameron Jones. Unedited and in his own words.

Where did your journey toward leadership begin? My journey in leadership began during my college years leading young men at the YMCA, as a camp counselor, leader of a college ministry, and eventually leading as a director of a mental health facility.

What is your current status (job title, church)? I am currently serving as a Pastoral Resident at Faith Church (Munster Campus)

What was your background in volunteer and leadership before residency? I think that I am unique in the sense that I had previously served as a Campus Pastor before the residency program but I was looking to gain more experience before embarking on a church plant.

Why did you choose ministry? Nothing else fulfills me quite like ministry does. I’ve had other jobs working as a drug and alcohol counselor, mental health director, and various jobs in social service which all contained aspects of ministry but my true passion is serving the Lord’s church.

How did you come to choose a residency through Leadership Pathway? I was looking to learn from a healthy, thriving church while completing my Master’s degree at Wheaton College. I learned about a Residency Program at Faith Church in Dyer, IN, and then later learned that Faith partnered with Leadership Pathway.

What were your expectations beginning in residency? To learn more about the inner workings of a successful church and to gain tools that would aid me in planting a church.

If you are on a pathway towards being in full-time ministry, where do you think you are right now? Are you having fun, or is it difficult? Does it feel impossible? My hope and prayer are to be serving in full-time ministry soon!

Was it (or is it still) difficult? What’s been the most difficult thing, or perhaps can you relay a story of a time that this journey was difficult? What did you love / dislike? I have truly enjoyed getting to know the people at the campus that I serve at, they have been a great source of encouragement.

What are you looking to gain over the next year? In the coming years, I am hoping to continue to develop as a leader and take on more responsibilities as the church sees fit.

How are you living out your calling? The residency allows me to live out my calling of sharing God’s word through leading small groups and co-teaching on Sunday mornings with my supervising pastor.

If you had several senior pastors sitting at a table with you, what would you say to them about your experience and if they should have a residency at their churches? I have enjoyed working with Leadership Pathway, and a residency program is a great way to invest in future and prospective church leaders.

What was important when you began vs. what’s important now? Faithfully serving has been the most important thing from the start of my residency up until now.

What would you say to a student in high school or college or someone contemplating a career change about preparing for ministry? I would say go for it! I sold my house, moved, and left a full-time job in order to go to school and fully prepare myself for ministry. It has not been easy but I am thankful that I didn’t let fear stop me from pursuing where God was leading me,

StoriesDave Miller