Leadership Pathway

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From Baltimore to San Diego...One Resident's Story

Brittany Crimmel has traversed the country learning leadership, serving the local church and introducing people to Jesus so they can find their way back to God.

If you’d rather just listen, you can also find this podcast on Apple or Spotify via our linktree.

Brittany was raised as a pastor’s kid, but as you’ll hear in her story when her boss changed three times in three years and chaos ensued it didn’t mean she didn’t want to quit like the rest of us!

She stayed, she persevered, she learned good lessons and she’s still walking.

Highlights of this recording:

  1. She was leading early because she was a Pastor’s kid (1:05)

  2. It was all about helping people meet Jesus (3:15)

  3. What is calling? This is actually about Kingdom work (4:10)

  4. The move to Baltimore (5:40) and the Christmas run (6:01)

  5. Lots of change, changing bosses and chaos (7:50) it was “exciting”

  6. She almost quit (16:08)

  7. The big setup (16:36)

  8. “People made space for me” (20:59)

Catch the rest of season two via YouTube, or via Apple Podcast, or other places via the LinkTree