Leadership Pathway

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Move From : Move Towards

For some this is a season for moving. Moving out of the apartment, the dorm, or the parent’s basement. For others, it’s time to move towards more room because of the additional child in the house, or the grandkid who needs a place to play. Many are moving away from something, and towards something else.

Churches who launch a residency with Leadership Pathway are also leaving behind some things that have kept them stuck for years, and they are moving towards something better.

Move From

Mismatched candidates
No leadership pipeline
No plan for your future
Unengaged young leaders
Bad culture fits
No plan for coaching
Lack of skills to coach young leaders
High turnover rate
Running out of time
Being unable to pursue your ministry dreams because you don’t have the team to do it
Lack of a development plan for future leaders
Unable to assess and develop soft skills that are required for success
No residency program
No clear pathway for leadership & success
Hit or miss staff Hires

Move Towards

High qualified residents
Sustainable leadership pipelines
Leadership legacy plan
Integration of young leaders into your team
Learning how to coach & train young leaders
Reduction of staff turnover
Increase of pastoral productivity
Fully formed developmental plan
Knowing how to assess and develop soft skills
A working residency program
Clarified pathway for leadership & success