Leadership Pathway

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Matt Christie : My Leadership Pathway

I chose ministry because nothing else felt right for me.

All my passions, dreams and desires have always pointed directly at ministry. I certainly looked for ways around it, but God simply laid a vision and passion on my heart to be a pastor some way, somehow.

In high school, I was heavily involved in my youth group. Freshman year, I attended a student conference and made the commitment to go into full time ministry, so I began exploring what area suited me best. I’ve played drums in church since sophomore year of high school. I was the music director for my high school youth group band, and in college I had the opportunity to play in churches of all sizes and music styles. I was the drummer for an my university house band, and a teacher’s assistant for the freshman ensemble. I even co-led a high school band at a large church my junior year, and was an intern under their music director in my last semester of college. By the time I went looking for a job, I had already done two internships with two very different kinds of churches – but I quickly realized how much I needed something like Leadership Pathway.

Now I’m the Worship Resident at Eastside Community Church in Richmond, Kentucky, and I’m learning that music is maybe 10% of the job in worship ministry. I love being a musician, and I spent most of my time working on that in college. It’s how I love and connect with God. But I want to see myself as a leader of people who are actively involved with Jesus through the music and worship ministry. The administrative and relationship aspects of this job can seem impossible, but every day I feel myself becoming more of a leader, learning how to be both a musician and a pastor.

I’m in charge of the high school worship band, and they are the best group of kids you’ll ever meet. Seeing them grow in their relationship with God and in leadership gives me energy. I love that I get to use music as a tool to connect with people. I’m also learning what I don’t know, but outside the comfort zone is where all the growth happens. I’m learning to be more relational and intentional through the challenges of team building and gaining volunteers.

I can say with complete confidence that I would have dropped out of ministry after just a few months if I wasn’t involved with Leadership Pathway. I’m so thankful for the church leaders who make the effort to do this. Those of us with a call for vocational ministry need the right intentional guidance to be successful. We need patient leaders who pick us up when we’re down, correct us when we’re wrong, and who maximize our unique God-given qualities.

Going through Leadership Pathway has been one of the best blessings God has given me. I wish I could tell my younger self not to worry so much about finding a job. Just find Jesus. Take your eyes off of yourself and your circumstances. God is going to lead you and take care of you. To others seeking their pathways, I would say: Know that you’re going to make mistakes and fall on your face. It’s good to lean into the gifts God has given you, but they mean absolutely nothing without love. Stay humble and hungry. And never put your identity in anything other than Jesus.

I’m Matt Christie, and this is my leadership pathway.