Leadership Pathway

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Josh Miller : My Leadership Pathway

My journey toward leadership began with me volunteering and interning for churches and campus ministries, but the real leap happened when I chose, with the help of Leadership Pathway, to leave my home in Nebraska and pursue a Tech Residency in Kentucky with HouseRight Production. Going to college in the same state as my hometown, I just never felt like I was my own person since I could still rely on going home from time to time. HouseRight had been a huge help for my home church as they were moving into a new building. I had been serving in the church at the time and got to witness and experience what they do.

I began my residency with them having some production experience, but HouseRight has definitely helped me appreciate all the work prior to a service, whether that is configuring and upgrading gear or helping a church with a brand-new building. I have always loved technology, and now seeing all the ways it can help a worship setting has been so rewarding for me. It’s also satisfying to watch people’s reactions with an updated or new worship space.Their enthusiasm and lit up faces make all the long hard days worth the effort. Ultimately, this is one way I can help point people to Christ.

I think the hardest part for me is learning all of these new skills that I have never done before. I want to know it all. I want to be able to do things right the first time and provide detailed answers when someone asks what would be best for their church. Blocking out this fear of failure has been a challenge for me, but Residency has taught me to take on the new challenges and learn from my mistakes in the process.

As I continue in my residency, I am eager to keep learning new skills and increase my knowledge on all of the equipment we use. I am looking forward to stepping up and being able to lead and teach others, not just about work in production work in the church, but by doing it with a right heart, as well. The people who supervise me are coaching me to become a godly leader, while increasing my productivity. The developmental conversations we have has made us closer than just co-workers; they are people I trust and rely on with things other than just work-related items.

I’m Josh Miller, and this is my leadership pathway.

HouseRight is a design and integration company serving churches across the country based in Lexington, KY. They have hosted several Lp residents from Michigan, Georgia, Indiana and Kentucky. Tim Schlomann, a recent HouseRight resident, was hired onto staff at Crossroads at their Lexington campus serving in production.

Read more stories of churches and resident here.