Leadership Pathway

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Nick Dragomir : My Leadership Pathway

My journey towards ministry leadership began with a prayer. I spent so long trying to find my own path through life that I had made the grave mistake of NOT asking God what His plans were! I spent years in technical fields because I thought that the money they would offer me would lead a happy and fulfilling life. When this was not the case, it prompted me to pray and reflect. I thought of aspirations I had early in life about being a pastor, aspirations I struck down because I thought that I couldn’t possibly be “good enough” to minister God’s Word. After asking God for guidance, I was laid off from my job as a software engineer, seemingly out of nowhere, and I took it as a sign that the right path for me was elsewhere. As I continue to pursue ministry, I know, without a doubt, a feeling I have never had before this, that this is exactly where God has intended for me to be.

I serve as a Pastoral Resident at Faith Church in the Chicago suburbs of Northwest Indiana, while also acting as their Database Manager.

My leadership background goes back to when I served in the U.S. Navy, volunteering with several military outreach events. I also helped set up services on base when my ship was in port. While en route, I offered prayer and guidance for my shipmates when they needed an ear, and I helped set up small services during Christmas and Easter.

I believe ministry chose me. I always wanted to do what I could to serve the people around me. Coupled with the grace God gives through ministry, I felt a pull towards it that could not be resisted.

I believe it was God’s hand that led me to Leadership Pathway. I was doing research on how to best start a career in ministry and the concept of residencies, which I had never heard of, resulted in my searches. Leadership Pathway seemed like the perfect way to begin my journey.

My expectations starting in ministry were unknown. I grew up as the only professing Christian in my household, so I didn’t know what a residency would actually entail. Suffice it to say, I thank God that He set me on this path.

There are always difficulties in life, but the difficulties associated with ministry energize me. After the year I’ve already spent as a resident, I’m confident that full-time ministry is the best path forward for me. I feel blessed and honored to be able to deliver God’s Word. I am more confident than ever that this is what God has planned for me and for Him, and nothing is impossible.

At the beginning, it was difficult trying to figure out exactly where I’d fit into the grand scheme of things at my church. I remember not knowing what I should be doing next or even from moment to moment; however, with time and with prayer, I eventually found where I fit and how I could best serve God’s kingdom.