Leadership Pathway

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Dezmond Jones : My Leadership Pathway

Leadership Pathway helps churches like Eastern Hills find, develop, and support the next generation of leaders through a church residency program that is based on developmental conversations and coaching.

Before becoming a Family Ministry Resident at Eastern Hills Community Church in Aurora, CO, I had served a couple of years with a church plant as an Associate Pastor, focused primarily in Student Ministry. I knew I needed further development, though, and I desired feedback to help me get better as a leader, so as I was exploring my next steps for ministry, I discovered Leadership Pathway. I believe this has been the best step forward for me in my growth as a church leader.

I chose ministry because, more than anything, I want to help students reach healing much like the way I did when I was a broken high schooler.

Making the move to Aurora was a big risk for me. I was actually really scared! I left everything and expected to struggle, but honestly, I was met with so much grace when I got to Eastern Hills. Even during my first couple of months, I hit some lows, but all along the way, I’ve received confirmation again and again that I’m in the right place. Hard times come and go, but the work is fulfilling, and the people are amazing.

I really love it here! I’ve been stretched in teaching outside of Student Ministry, and I have felt my calling being used in a wider scope than I had imagined, which I love. I’m learning the different stages of kids and how this is beneficial working in Children’s ministry. I’ve also gotten to use some of my musical abilities in worship.

A big struggle for me still is balance, but I’m working on that with those around me supporting and challenging me in this. It’s something most of us on the team deal with on some level and putting into practice something like intentional calendar use has been one way to discipline myself in this.

For those leaders contemplating Residency at their church, I’d say, do it! Your residents will not only be stretched, but they will get the honor of serving with your staff and learning the ins and outs of ministry, which really can’t be learned at a Bible College or Seminary.

I’m Dezmond Jones, and this is my leadership pathway.

If you’d like to explore what it might be like for your church to architect a church residency program like Eastern Hills did for Dezmond please reach out and let’s talk!