Leadership Pathway

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Three Steps to the Recruiter's Edge

This is the first in a series of posts on recruiting.

Seeing a social media ad for a new restaurant is a good thing. Having a trusted friend, who has never steered you wrong, recommend a new restaurant is A MUCH BETTER THING.

The same is true with potential team members who may join your staff. If they see an ad on Indeed, or a job board, or a headhunting site…that’s all good. But If they hear from a trusted friend of a friend that could be a great thing!

If you are going to only rely on social media, job boards, or agencies to help you find your staff you have ignored the most powerful tool at your disposal. Your people.

Steps to finding referred candidates:
1. Build a recruiting team. See this post for more

2. Teach them how to recruit. See this post for details

3. Focus on engagement, not applicants. See this post for details

Lp is offering a two-hour training this summer on the Recruiters Edge